Meet us at ITB Berlin NOW 2021!

We are happy to share with you some great news: Connected Destination will exhibit at the virtual ITB Berlin NOW 2021! The trade show will be held during 9 – 12 of March 2021 – so get ready for the upcoming launch of the online meeting platform which...

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Clicktotravel & Connected Destination: Mirando atrás hacia este 2020 que termina, ¿qué es lo que más aprecias?

Casi hemos llegado al final de este año, y qué año ha sido, ¡Un año como ningún otro! Independientemente de los desafíos que se nos han lanzado, estamos utilizando este mes para reflexionar sobre las fantásticas asociaciones y colaboraciones que mantenemos y de las nuevas por las que estamos...

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MALLORCA VIRTUAL SHOW 2020 In two days is the Mallorca Virtual Show and we will be part of it. And you?We are looking forward to joining the event and to seeing you there. #event #mallorca #virtualshow #mallorcavirtualshow #tourism #hotelerie #hotel #hotelmanagement #hotelmanager...

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Germany´s bookings are on the rise

Dear Partners, We gladly inform you that bookings in the German speaking market are on the rise as traffics group statistics show. Traffics CEO Salim Sahi presents an extensive data analysis to German TV including latest bookings and search insights. Click here to watch the interview-video and have...

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